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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

Integrated Knowledge

We engage with our clients in studying reality, analyzing data, monitoring challenges, and discussing
solutions and ideas to develop and improve the current situation. We rise with them from their starting points to achieve new success.

Areas of Work

We create change through comprehensive packages of services and products built on the latest standards, methods, and scientific tools.

Our Values:

Our institutional value system, which we adhere to, aligns with our strategies and suits our vision and mission in delivering services with precise performance and high efficiency.


Sustaining learning and enriching employees with modern knowledge, intellectual openness, and engagement…


In our pursuit of benefiting people and leadership, we emphasize the seriousness and independence of ideas...


We do not only seek success, as it is available to anyone who works, but we strive to achieve new and continuous successes...


We provide our services and products according to the specifications we declare, qualifying us to be relied upon.

Benefiting People

Producing beneficial knowledge, providing useful services, and working to achieve the interests of our partners whom we serve...

Diverse Solutions

Arrowad offers a diverse range of consulting, managerial, educational, and technical services and solutions through a large team of experts and consultants capable of developing business systems, enhancing their performance, and providing solutions based on authentic and innovative methodologies. Additionally, we have a wide spectrum of specialized global partnerships.

Managerial Consultations

Through a diverse range of consulting products and services, Al-Rawad provides its services to various sectors, enhancing the developmental role of these sectors, contributing to their goals, and improving their efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of services provided to their beneficiaries.

  • Effective Training
  • Value Enhancement
  • Studies and Research

Education and Knowledge

The production and systematic development of specialized knowledge aim to be the inspirational partner for institutions and individuals, fostering professional and societal behavior. We possess scientific and practical methodologies, frameworks, and tools, continuously evolving them according to global standards.

  • General and Academic Education
  • Training
  • Value Building
  • Content Production

Development of Methodologies and Tools

A set of authentic methodologies and tools developed by Al-Rawad's experts based on research and scientific studies conducted over three decades. Through practical experiences, the expert team has established strong foundations for these methodologies, including:

  • Institutional Excellence Methodology
  • Value Building and Empowerment Methodology
  • Transformation Methodology for Beneficiary Experience
  • Higher and General Education Methodology

Arrowad Methodologies

We have developed methodologies that align with the needs of our clients, the nature of their work, and their products, services, and local environment.

Value Building and Empowerment Methodology

Excellence Methodogy in e-Governament

• Institutional Excellence Methodology


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