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Arrowad Participates in the "BRICS Civil Forum 2024"

Moscow – June 4, 2024

Dr. Saad bin Ibrahim Al-Khalaf, Vice Chairman and Co-founder of Arrowad Group, participated in the "BRICS Civil Forum" held in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation from July 3rd to the 4th, 2024.
During the forum, Dr. Al Khalaf presented a paper on Value-Based Education, in which he highlighted the prevailing educational values around the world and their alignment with the United Nations' goals. He also addressed several key issues aimed at promoting and empowering human values within the educational system. Dr. Al Khalaf concluded his academic contribution by proposing a practical methodology to integrate values into educational institutions.
It is worth noting that the forum addresses urgent aspects of civil society development, including goals of fair development, issues related to education and human capacity- building, sovereign economic and financial development, the ethics of new technologies, public health and human welfare, the environment, energy transition, and social justice. Participants will formulate proposals from civil society to the BRICS leaders.

To view the full paper, please Click Here

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