All form of use of Arrowad Group research is subject to our review, and proper citation. This document outlines Arrowad Group research use and citation policy.
You need approval when
- using our research for commercial purposes.
- reproducing, translating, or redistributing for any purpose.
Citing our research:
- Legal: All Arrowad Group Research must be acquired legally.
- Verbatim and Limited: Our research findings should be cited verbatim and limited in scope. Any of our research findings cannot be included in full.
- Neutrality: Any of our research findings cannot be used to make judgements related others or any sort of comparison the discredits others products or goods.
- Advertising: Clients may advertise marketing materials based on Arrowad Group research as long as the marketing materials are approved by Arrowad Group.
- Social media: You may reference research from Arrowad Group website and other Arrowad Group social media platforms; as long as the content's integrity is preserved and linked directly to the original source.
Custom research
Arrowad Group conducts commissioned research to clients as sole deliverables of part of the deliverables in clients’ projects. This research is called Costume Research, which can be used and cited by the client’s subsidiaries and contractor, as follows:
- Scope: Custom research is subject to this policy and may not be referenced publicly or used to endorse vendor or brand.
- Context: Arrowad Group must examine and approve the context and authenticity of any data/conclusions derived from the custom research.
- Cross-citation: Custom research cannot be used by third parties; you must get formal consent from the client who commissioned the research prior to submitting it to Arrowad Group for approval.
Use of our emblem
- Arrowad Group emblem may be used in client materials, except the use Arrowad Group emblem in client press releases or email signatures is prohibited.
- The use of Arrowad Group emblem by partners is subject to binding agreement with the partners. No use Arrowad Group emblem is allowed without prior agreement.
Use of our research in advertisements
- All citations of our research findings should not be used for advertisements and shall not make us appear as sponsors for certain product or goods.
- All citations of verbal quotes from the video may not be used.
Changes to this policy
Arrowad Group reserves the right, at any moment and without notice, to amend this policy.