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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Arrowad Group is highly committed to the spiritual values and instructions of Islam, therefore we will not tolerate any violation of this code. The administration will investigate allegations from:

  • Clients who believe an employee in Arrowad Group has not performed as expected or has failed to complete a service.
  • Individuals who are not clients, but who have evidence that an employee in Arrowad Group, in day-to-day business practices, brings discredit to this code.
  • Affiliates who have evidence of unethical activity that reflects poorly upon this code.

As an affiliate of Arrowad Group, you must obligate yourself to the following Code of Ethics:

  • Truth: Promote a coherent and truthful approach in making decisions consistent with the welfare of Arrowad Group and the community as a whole.
  • Citation: Seek and offer honest criticism, acknowledge and correct errors, and give credit to the contributions of others.
  • Trust: Promote honesty and trust between Arrowad Group and its consumers, advertise products and services honestly.
  • Conflict of Interest: Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest. Seek advice whenever you suspect a case of conflict of interest might happen.
  • Sincerity: Avoid false or malicious statements or deeds that might harm others, their property, or reputation whether inside or outside Arrowad.
  • Fairness: Promote and support fair competition within Arrowad Group and its competitors. Never make overstatements about product or services.
  • Honesty: Be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data. Present results accurately with no favoritism, prejudice, or bias.
  • Kindness: Assist colleagues in their professional development to the best of their skill and knowledge.
  • Self-praise: Reject and report bribery. Make proper judgment according to Arrowad's bylaws before accepting samples, donations, or any form of gifts.
  • Accuracy: Present research findings in a well-organized manner, accurately cite other's work, and refrain from withholding or misquoting sources or data.

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