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The Total Leader

Delivering the four levels of Total Leader Program from Leadership and Management International (LMI) to sixty five (65) employees of Charity Committee for Orphans Care (INSAN), to develop staff skills and raise their productivity and qualify them to be great leaders. The four levels are:

  • Effective Personal Productivity: aims to close the gap between people’s present performance and their future potential. The EPP is more than just a training program; it is a process of development. Additionally, it assists individuals in enhancing their productivity by setting priorities, communicating effectively, creating goals, and accomplishing results.
  • Effective Personal Leadership: helps individuals in gaining a better understanding in effectively managing their own necessities as well as the needs of those they supervise. Furthermore, it allows individuals to develop their potential for personal leadership through intensifying their strengths, self-image, and drive. Overcoming obstacles to leadership, developing a written, specific success plan.
  • Effective Motivational Leadership: defined by empowerment and vision. Decision-makers establish objectives and enable their teams to succeed. Effective leaders inspire their staff to achieve a shared objective by seeing the best in them. Moreover, they implant a sense of worth in others by devoting time and effort to learn about their priorities, abilities, and needs.
  • Effective Strategic Leadership is a management approach in which executives, with a variety of management styles, create a vision for their business that allows it to adapt to or stay competitive in an ever-changing economic and technological environment. The main objectives of strategic leadership: aim to optimize processes, increase strategic productivity, foster innovation, and create a climate that promotes individuals to be productive, self-sufficient, and advancing their own ideas.
  • CLIENT Charity Committee for Orphans Care (INSAN)
  • YEAR 2020-2021
  • WE DID Qualifying Leaders
  • SUPPORTNon-Profit Associations
  • IMPROVEThe Quantitative and Qualitative Performance
  • CHANGEFor the Better Citizen Experience
  • TAGS
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