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National CX Program

Through this project, the Ministry of Economy & Planning is establishing a Customer Experience (CX) program that will improve the beneficiaries’ experiences throughout the public services provided journeys. This is one of the projects designed to accomplish the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 objective number (5.2.5), aiming at improving the quality of public services provision to individuals.

Arrowad Group is commissioned to establish this national CX program. Below is a brief description to the project scope of work:

  • Surveying the best regional and international practices on implementing similar CX programs including all aspects, including, but not limited to technologies, processes, and people.
  • Gap analysis to find the status quo in the governance framework for the role of CX Program, the stakeholders, the roles of the relevant authorities, and the desired results of the CX program, all supported with benchmarking against the existing CX programs within the Kingdom and abroad.
  • Developing the governance model, including roles and responsibilities in terms of its relationship with other government agencies.
  • Defining a comprehensive operating model that illustrates how the various internal and external stakeholders interact with the Program’s structure, functions, governance, powers, people & talent, and data and systems.
  • Use the data and lessons learned from the project “Re-engineering of Government Services”, to improve the operating model.
  • Conducting awareness campaigns to mobilize support for the program.
  • Building local capacities in all participating government agencies.
  • CLIENT Ministry of Economy & Planning
  • YEAR 2021
  • WE DID Customer Experience
  • PARTNERS Underlined, Milkymap, Wilms & Forrester
  • BUILDIntegrated CX program
  • DESIGNCX maturity, governance & operating model
  • SUPPORTContinuous improvement of public services
  • IMPROVEJourney mapping competencies
  • CHANGEFor the better citizen experience
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