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Strategic Partnership Agreement between Arrowad Group and (GBTEC) Company

In line with Arrowad Group's endeavor to provide high-level consultancy services, the group has entered into a business partnership with the German company (GBTEC), this partnership aims to leverage the extensive expertise of the group in delivering consultancy services in the Saudi and regional markets, leading projects in institutional development, digital transformation, customer experience, organizational and operational excellence, and various other consulting services to numerous clients. This collaboration integrates innovative technological solutions provided by (GBTEC) to assist and empower public, private, and non-profit institutions in Saudi Arabia in achieving their strategic objectives, sustaining business growth, enhancing operations, improving customer experiences, and efficiently managing change amidst the rapid and evolving landscape of our world today.

Additionally, the partnership will focus on providing advanced digital solutions that respond to governance, risk, and compliance requirements within organizations. It will offer a unique blend of consultancy and digital solutions to aid institutions in achieving their digital transformation goals.
This collaboration represents an opportunity to enhance the capabilities of both companies in providing higher value services that meet the needs and expectations of customers, it aids them in their journey towards business development, improving organizational structure and operational capacities, and delivering exceptional added value that enhances the customer experience.

It is worth mentioning that (GBTEC) is a leading German company providing software solutions for Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN), Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). They have a strong track record of assisting institutions in improving their outcomes, reducing costs, enhancing efficiency, and offering innovative solutions and services that meet customer needs.

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