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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


We strive to make the training journey exciting and enriching for trainees in their cognitive journey. We start from the core of their needs to ensure they acquire knowledge and skills.


We work diligently to base our training services on reality, while anticipating the future in line with the latest developments in the fields we operate in. We benefit from the best national and international experiences and practices, following a scientific and professional methodology in capacity building. This includes thinking, designing, planning, preparing, implementing, evaluating the impact, and reflecting on the results for improvement. We collaborate with our clients to create an engaging and exciting learning journey, drawing inspiration from real needs to create effective design of training packages produced and delivered by experts in the field. We also pay attention to providing an attractive and stimulating environment.

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Training Methodology

On training projects, we work through systematic steps and stages to achieve the objectives of the training project and create sustainable cognitive impact on the trainees. The following is an explanation of these steps:

  • Current Situation Analysis: We hold meetings with leaders and decision-makers, and ask questions, listen, analyze, and share in analyzing the current situation.
  • Identification of Training Objectives: We determine where we want to reach, set targets, design plans and performance indicators.
  • Preparation of Training Content:We prepare the execution team, trainers, and content, ensuring readiness, and communicate with the target training groups.
  • Implementation:We launch the programs, monitor team performance, track feedback, interact with emerging issues, and continuously improve.
  • Evaluation and Impact Measurement: We analyze and test to measure the training return on investment. We provide recommendations to achieve our common goal in the shortest possible way. We test and measure the impact to provide you with a specific output of recommendations from the execution team, trainers, and project implementers. This ensures real and tangible returns on your investments.

How can we help:

  • Any training that is not based on a need is a waste. Therefore, identifying training needs is a vital step to ensure the delivery of training programs that achieve the desired impact. This is done by focusing on deepening awareness, generating motivation, and developing the necessary skills and competencies for the success of institutions and the achievement of their goals. This process involves analyzing job requirements in terms of competencies, values, and assessing the current performance level of employees and comparing it to the required level. Then, we identify clear gaps and draw strategic training plans to fill these gaps and enhance the capabilities of employees.
  • Identifying training needs includes effective communication with managers and employees, benefiting from feedback and recommendations provided. Based on the extracted results, comprehensive and effective training programs can be designed to meet the needs of the organization and its employees, enabling them to face challenges and achieve sustainable success.
  • We build training content based on the needs presented to us. We define the overall objective of the training program and then develop specific sub-objectives for each topic. We organize it in a coordinated and smooth manner and choose diverse and effective training methods and techniques that align with the trainees' learning style. We provide an inspiring learning experience with individual and group practical exercises, reflections, summaries, trainee challenges, knowledge reconstruction and sharing activities to enhance the application of acquired concepts and skills. We also provide a package of assessment tools and tests to effectively evaluate the training using reliable measurement and monitoring tools.
  • We excel in designing training packages that are flexible and adaptable to the needs of the trainees and the continuous changes in the job market, ensuring the realization of desired results and enhancing the capabilities and competencies of the trainees.

Arrowad Training Center offers training programs through tailored services for organizations in the government, private, and non-profit sectors. Our services are unique for the activities, examples, and case studies tailored to the specific training environment. It takes into consideration enhancing skills and bridging knowledge and skill gaps within work teams, thereby motivating them to improve their performance and effectively contribute to achieving the organization's goals. We also provide comprehensive support focused on achieving the desired results of the training programs in the short term by integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application.

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