That framework, with its four dimensions for each sub-value and core value, is raw material not meant for immediate practical application; rather, it serves as a reference container from which specialized consultants choose the institutional values they study, they then conduct reconciliation processes with the nature of the institution's work, fundamental employee characteristics, the general context, and carry out experimental application procedures. Finally, they apply them to relevant entities.
The following is a simplified self-assessment scale for values-based organizational culture that you can respond to and evaluate the status of your institution, and we suggest you respond to any other scale for measuring values that you find published on websites to understand the differences between personal values and organizational values. Dear leader, the pioneers' company for value building has developed, based on its scientific methodology, a preliminary diagnostic tool aimed at supporting institutions in identifying their values' reality and obtaining initial suggestions for improvement. Therefore, we invite you to use this tool to receive a report on the reality of the values-based organizational culture and initial suggestions suitable for your institution.