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Arrowad Group signs a joint agreement with the Curriculum and Standards Authority in Western Australia

As part of Arrowad Group's efforts to enhance its strategic partnerships, the group has signed a framework agreement for cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the development of standards and educational curricula with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) of the Western Australian Government. The signing ceremony took place in a virtual event attended by His Excellency Dr. Saad bin Ibrahim Al Khalaf, Founding Partner and Vice Chairman of the Group, and Ms.

Pauline White, Chair of the Authority's Board. The signing ceremony was attended by His Excellency Mr. David Templeman, Minister for Culture and the Arts, Sport and Recreation, International Education Heritage, and President of the Legislative Council in Western Australia, and Ms. Juanita Healy, Executive Director of Curriculum and Standards in Western Australia.

It is worth mentioning that Arrowad Global Group operates in the fields of knowledge building and development, and human capacity development through various sectors, including management consulting, education, training, curriculum development, values building, and digital transformation, guided by its goals from Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the group aims to contribute to enhancing the Kingdom's leadership regionally and globally.

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