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His Excellency the Minister honors the Kaizen team for achieving the silver level in the King Abdulaziz Quality Award 2022.

His Excellency the Minister honors the team, and His Excellency the Assistant commends the dedication and achievement of the Kaizen team.

His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Eng. Ahmed bin Suleiman Al-Rajhi, honored the team behind the Institutional Excellence project on Sunday, January 22, 2023. The project, executed by Kaizen Consulting, a subsidiary of Arrowad Group, under the leadership of Mr. Salah Abdul Hafeez, along with the team from the Agency of Strategic Affairs and Vision Realization, was celebrated during an event commemorating the Ministry's achievement of the silver category among ministries in the sixth cycle of the King Abdulaziz Quality Award 2022.

He emphasized that this recognition is an acknowledgment of the efforts made in achieving this qualitative accomplishment, working together as one team to enhance the level of institutional excellence, serving all beneficiaries of the ministry.

He also clarified that the team led by Mr. Salah Abdul Hafeez has dedicatedly worked towards achieving this accomplishment. With God’s grace, they managed to enhance the ministry's capabilities in institutional excellence. He expressed his joy at the ministry achieving this milestone, continuing the process of improvement, development, and elevating overall performance to new heights.

It is also worth mentioning that Dr. Saad Al Khalaf, Deputy Chairman of Arrowad Group, was honored at a special celebration organized by the group, hosted by Mr. Salah Abdul Hafeez and the project team, in recognition of the team's efforts and the accomplished achievement

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