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Research Work on the EGDI

The Saudi e-Government Program (Yesser) at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, uses research results in their endeavor to improve e-Government practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yesser depends on internal and external indicators such as the annual e-Transformation assessment cycles, and the United Nations UNDESA e-Government Readiness Index and Survey (EGDI), to identify areas of possible improvement. The Kingdom made big leaps in EGDI moving from the 105th position in 2003 up to the 36th position in 2014. However, for the first time since 2003, the Kingdom has fallen 8 positions in the year 2016, and another 8 in the year 2018, bringing the Kingdom’s rank in the UNDESA e-Government Readiness Index and Survey down to the 52nd position. This prompted the need for this project.

Kaizen Consulting was commissioned to lead the research efforts. The objective of this project is to study the literature and provide research findings that will help the Saudi MCIT to position themselves among the top countries on the UNDESA e-Government Readiness Index and Survey.

  • CLIENT Saudi e-Government Program (Yesser)
  • YEAR 2018 - 2021
  • WE DID Supporting Yesser in EGDI related aspects
  • PARTNERS United Nations University
  • ANALYSISUNDESA e-Gov Readiness Index & Survey
  • REFLECTIONWebsites subject of the UNDESA Survey
  • ASSESSINGWebsites based on EGDI, EPI, OGDI & SDG
  • WorkshopsRelevant stakeholders to discuss finings
  • TOURSBenchmarking tours for e-Gov executives
  • TAGS
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