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Customer Experience

Designing a great experience that enhances performance and streamlines spending in Institutions


We employ unique methodologies, models, and techniques capable of elevating our clients to high levels in the customer experience transformation journey, we also establish a continuous effort to build competencies and enhance the common values and behaviors that ensure a fantastic customer experience, empower teams to delve into data to understand customers, identify priorities, design experiences, enable employees and partners, measure the quality of experiences, and irs connection to the overall enterprise indicators, as well as establish a system that ensures the sustainability of improvement in customer experiences.

Discover the unique stories of our partners in the customer experience.

Customer Experience Transformation Methodology (CXTM™)

The Customer Experience Transformation Methodology (CXTM™) aims to instill a culture of improving customer experience to achieve results that capture the attention of leaders and stakeholders. Among its key objectives are cost reduction, expense optimization, performance improvement, and risk mitigation.

The methodology consists of two main components: Customer Experience Drivers and Customer Experience Enablers, connected by the Triple Change Model (D3 Change Model) to enhance change capabilities and foster a culture of continuous improvement in customer experience.

  • The Customer Experience Drivers provide tools to understand the factors influencing the customer's mental image and comprehend the interaction of the three layers in the ecosystem of customer experience (customer-facing layer, backstage offices, and operational environment). These layers impact the formation of this mental image.
  • The Customer Experience Enablers offer qualifications and accredited training programs for employees and partners in topics of cultural change for transitioning to customer experience, researching data for their understanding, identifying priorities, designing experiences, and measuring their quality and connection to the overall indicators of the enterprise.

We employ an integrated approach in the journey towards customer experience transformation in public and private institutions, as well as the third sector. We leverage our diverse experiences, tools, and methodologies, along with the expertise of our partners, in enhancing customer experience, digital experience, and user experience.

How can we help?

We utilize an integrated approach in the journey towards customer experience transformation in public, private, and third-sector organizations. Leveraging our diverse experiences, tools, and methodologies, in addition to the expertise of our partners in improving customer experience, digital experience, and user experience.

We provide tools to measure and enhance interactions and touchpoints between the customer and the organization, covering all aspects of the customer journey. This aims to uncover elements that can positively impact customer experience, increasing their loyalty and support for the organization, which in its turn, can lead to increased revenue and reduced costs in delivering services and products. Therefore, we assist our clients by gathering customer feedback from various sources, analyzing it, mapping the customer journey, identifying weaknesses and areas for improvement, and implementing changes to address issues and enhance the customer experience for long-term satisfaction and loyalty.

We have a unique methodology for improving the digital experience, which is the form that customer interactions take with digital products or services, whether online, on smartphones, or through other digital applications. Our methodology encompasses all points at which customers interact with these digital platforms, starting from the discovery stage of the product or service, through the utilization stage, and extending into the post-utilization phase. We apply the digital experience methodology to develop a Digital Experience Index, measuring customer tendencies, choices, and their perception of the brand. We evaluate the quality of the digital experience through various perspectives, axes, and criteria, including usability, performance speed, attractive design, and responsiveness to customer requirements.

We have established frameworks to measure and enhance user experience, encompassing axes such as navigation and information architecture, orientation and workflow, trust and privacy, content, and error avoidance and recovery. We use the user experience framework to ensure the success of products and services, influence user choices positively, and create a positive perception of the brand, this facilitates ease of use and provides a personalized user experience that satisfies their needs and aspirations.

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